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Archive for the ‘Funny Books’ Category

Kirby tribute for the King’s Birthday.

August 28, 2015

Newsstands in the 70’s as art school

October 8, 2010

For me, the 60’s was an introduction to illustration and solidifying a foundation for drawing. I was at the perfect age to get swept up in the pop culture of the time. Bat-mania, Bond-mania, hot rods, surfers, creature features, the british invasion and California’s musical response to it. I was part of that baby-boomer bunch that assimilated all media (that was available at the time) and processed it by thinking that everyone should be able to contribute to it.

Television and Comics Now Share Same Crappy Writing Tendencies

June 12, 2010

Chuck has something of a niche audience, but performs rather well in the season DVD box set section of your favorite retailers. With that in mind, this season had a long and torturous road to the conclusion of the original 13 episode order. Soap opera tropes a plenty and episodes went by where you didn’t feel any of the main characters were going anywhere except for a centrifuge. (Round and round with vaguely unhappy endings set to some maudlin pop song.)

Remembrances of Comic Artists Past

December 29, 2009

As some of you may know, the comic artist George Tuska passed away recently. It got me to thinking that, as an older comic reader alive during the silver/bronze ages, an entire generation (or two) of artists are reaching their final deadlines.

The Batman Cops An Attitude…

November 26, 2009

Sketches From The Workplace. (An ongoing series…)

August 14, 2009

Sketch done at work while waiting for a meeting to commence. Mechanical pencil on notebook paper. A tad Gil Kane-ish I think. (If you don’t know who Gil Kane is, then I don’t know why you’re reading anything here. My references for all popular media will extend beyond Star Wars, which seems to be the […]

Comic Based Entertainment Media Conglomerates?…

March 24, 2009

One can’t help but be intrigued by Marvel’s efforts at global domination. While their comic sales have more or less plateaued, they’ve used their brand recognition to branch off into animation and film.

Hollywood Has Become Lazy Town

February 11, 2009

Then I saw Taken at the cinema and realized just how bad our entertainment values have slipped. We’re all in Lazy Town from that perspective. Taken offers nothing new. Not even a spin on traditional formulas.


December 24, 2008

Comics as an entertainment medium depends on art. Otherwise they’re prose Pulp Adventures; perhaps at best SF or Action serials. So, regardless what writers will tell you (and there are some great writers) it will always come down to the sequential art. Here’s where the problems with comics lies. Artists are then divided into who […]

Batman RIP?

November 22, 2008

Maybe when it’s all said and done this is where Grant Morrison will end up on Batman. Consider what’s going on with Cartoon Network’s Brave & the Bold toon and it suddenly doesn’t sound so far fetched.